There may be many causes of varicose veins. Some people belong to special risk groups. This should include people who stand for long periods of time or, conversely, people who live a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, varicose veins is a genetic disease, so if the father or mother has similar symptoms, it is easy to spread to the child.
In a neglected state, varicose veins look very ugly. The veins are swollen, the eggs turn blue, and there are many vascular nodes. But appearance is not the worst thing, because varicose veins are the cause of many complications related to blood circulation. All of these indicate that the problem needs to be resolved. It is recommended to do this in the early stages of disease development, but for this you need to know what the initial stage of varicose veins looks like.
The first sign of varicose veins
In the early stages, varicose veins are difficult to diagnose, so most patients (because women are more susceptible to the disease) turn to specialists quite late. Sometimes, you have to spend a lot of time to get your legs back to normal. Without surgical intervention, it is usually incomplete.
To prevent the development of such events, it is necessary to consult a doctor when the first signs of varicose veins appear. Even better, prevent them regularly, lead a healthy, moderately active lifestyle and get rid of bad habits.

Women can suspect varicose veins based on certain signs. The initial period will be periodic swelling of the limbs, severe fatigue or even slight weight bearing on the legs, and a buzzing sound. All this shows that women should at least consider the problem of preventing varicose veins, and it is best to see a doctor.
In most cases, the first signs of varicose veins appear when a woman's weight begins to change. This may be due to hormonal imbalance or pregnancy. As a result, the load on the legs will be too great and the blood vessels may not be able to bear it.
At first, everything was accompanied by a feeling of severe fatigue in the legs. This is especially noticeable when walking for a long time or wearing uncomfortable shoes. If you need to stand for a long time at work, it will feel very unpleasant at night. But people who sit for a long time may also show signs of varicose veins. It may develop due to circulatory disorders and incorrect posture. Women who like to sit cross-legged are especially dangerous.
Sometimes, the initial symptoms of varicose veins are similar to other diseases, so even experts cannot determine the true cause of the problem. Symptoms of varicose veins may resemble flat feet and lumbar osteochondrosis. To understand that we are really talking about varicose veins, it is necessary to perform many diagnostic procedures aimed at studying the state of blood vessels.
When the first signs of varicose veins appear, women are not always eager to see a doctor. Many people try to solve the problem on their own, but this method does not always produce good results.
If you find swollen veins, as well as swelling and discomfort after get off work every day, you should consult a doctor and have an examination.
If they are in danger, fairness should be especially careful. This applies to pregnant women, women with obesity and overweight problems. In addition, people who stand for a long time, wear uncomfortable shoes, stockings or socks with hard elastic bands, and those who have congenital disease in the connective tissue structure are also at risk of developing varicose veins.
All of these may lead to violations of the outflow and flow of blood to the limbs. The result is varicose veins. When the first suspicious symptoms appear, the person at risk should seek medical attention immediately.
Symptoms of varicose veins in different stages
In general, doctors divide varicose veins into 4 main stages. In the first stage, usually, a person is not bothered by the unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins. The pain may be mild, and sometimes it does not happen at all. Here, you need to pay attention to the appearance and periodic swelling of the vascular network.
The second stage is characterized by continued heaviness in the legs. At the end of the day, the limbs will only burst, swell, and sometimes even cramps.
The third stage has been more expressed in cosmetic terms. The leg swelling is almost unchanged, the skin begins to thicken, and unsightly age spots may appear. Even a short stay on your feet can make the pain very severe.
The fourth stage is the most serious. In this case, medical treatment will not help, and surgery must be performed. Ulcers can appear on the legs, or rather in areas where the swelling of the veins is particularly intense. In addition, there are violations of tissue nutrition.
It’s worth remembering that you need to start as soon as possible. When the first signs of varicose veins are found, you must consult a doctor and make an appropriate diagnosis. The most commonly used venography and ultrasound examinations. The expert will then be able to prescribe an appropriate treatment plan.